I’ve successfully finished week 1 of my Body for Life training and have begun week 2. Week 1 was a miserable experience! I had not seriously worked out in a long time and had all the pain associated with lifting weights. I could not move for a whole week. But that week is over and now it is just normal workout fatigue. I am still trying to get into the swing of things and I definitely cannot lift as much as I once could. I spent a lot of time listening to Steve Sensinig and Raborn Johnson from Beyond the Box while I worked out and watched a few episodes of Film Riot and Scam School on my cardio days. I think I will need to subscribe to some more podcasts to keep things interesting while I work out.
As of today, I weigh 187.2 lbs and my waist is 37 inches. By the way, a co-worker did not believe me that my waist last week was 38 inches. But I am measuring it the traditional way, around the belly button. My actual pant’s waist is about 34 inches – a little less ;).