Eric Carpenter from A Pilgrim’s Progress thinks something is missing from Scripture and I agree.

When we read the bible, it’s fascinating to find that something is missing that we probably would not expect. What’s missing? The answer is that when the church gathers together, preaching is missing.

His writing is probably much better, much softer, much more humble than I could write about the same topic. You can tell he has put a lot of thought into this idea. The idea that there is no model for “preaching” when the Church gathers together.

As I do, Eric, rejects the belief that Acts 2-4, 20:7, Timothy 4:2 or even the Old Testament can be used to support our modern tradition.

So, what does this mean? How should we respond to this idea?


  1. What’s missing in the Bible is microwave discipleship and leaders that convince the masses that they are the ones who equip the people of God to expand the church.

    What’s missing from the church is disciple makers that teach people that God is the One who calls and equips His people to expand His kingdom.

  2. Ephesians 3 is about the fact that Paul has been given a gift…not to preach, the gift is grace even for non-Jews. This is why he must share the good news and preach.

    By this passage it would seem to me that all Gentiles are called to “preach” or share the good news.

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