Rahab… a Liar and a Whore!
Yet, God still found her faithful. In my previous post, Jealous?, Heather from 1 Free Heart made an off-handed comment about Rahab receiving good for her lie. Heather’s comment was…
Yet, God still found her faithful. In my previous post, Jealous?, Heather from 1 Free Heart made an off-handed comment about Rahab receiving good for her lie. Heather’s comment was…
In my last post, The Journey, I linked to a post by Wayne Jacobsen over at Lifestream.org. Jacobsen is not a unfamiliar name to me. A few years ago Jacobsen…
Currently there are a lot of Christians that are on The Journey. I call it the journey because I know of no other name to call it. It seems to…
As I was studying the Ten Commandments (impress your friends by referring to them as the Decalogue) I realized something… I have no idea which commandments are the ten commandments….
Scot McKnight at Jesus Creed writes a blog entitled, Fasting: From What? where he asks the question: What happens when we shift the word fast from “denying our body food”…
This is the last Kingdom of Heaven (KoH) parable in Matthew… “For it is [the KoH] just like a man about to go on a journey, who called his own…
This is kind of a dual post. Feel free to respond to which ever part of the post you want, even both (or none, I guess). Last Thursday I read…
This is the final post I plan on writing about from Power in the Pulpit: Once a congregation gets accustomed to systematic exposition through books of the Bible, they will…