The 4-Hour Body Expirement – Slow Carb Diet (Month 1)
Warning: Some of this data may be considered TO MUCH INFORMATION… read at your own risk! In early December I happened upon a gizmodo post about this new book called…
Warning: Some of this data may be considered TO MUCH INFORMATION… read at your own risk! In early December I happened upon a gizmodo post about this new book called…
I have a back-log of posts that I’ve been meaning to write and this is one of them… A few months ago I found myself in the position of needing…
I woke up this morning and saw that someone had commented on one of my older posts… Tough Times Among the Church My heart goes out to this “poor man…
One of my favorite podcasts (and pretty much the only Christian podcast I follow) is Beyond the Box. Basically a couple of heretic Jesus followers who are trying to “work… uses the power of video to try and answer very specific questions relating to religion — specifically answers geared toward spreading the good news of Jesus. On the site there seems to be 23 video responses to questions like “Does God Love Gay People?”, “Does Archeology Support the Bible?”, “Where Did Evil Come From?”, and more. Some of these questions are answered by top theological scholars.
I run a web app called, it’s a Social Media Optimization application for WordPress. Basically it publishes your WordPress content to Twitter / Facebook / Google Buzz whenever you…
Ended a long weekend with some nice, tedious pumpkin carving… pictures aren’t great, I think it looks a lot better in person.
10:10 is a global campaign to cut carbon emissions by 10% (starting October 10th). Hey, that’s not a bad thing to strive for, right? I mean, I do not subscribe…
What are Ordinances? It’s been a while since I’ve written a Words Not Found in Scripture post… but I still have a list of words that I want to get…